Architectural Barriers

There is no grandfather clause in the Americans with Disabilities Act. It does not matter whether the building in question is old. It does not matter if the building in question is historic. It does not matter if the facility is privately owned or owned by a local government. There are standards that apply to ensure access to people with disabilities. I see the following typical architectural barriers routinely:

  • A curb or stairs with no ramp or directional signage to indicate an alternate accessible route
  • A ramp that is too steep
  • A ramp that lacks edge protection
  • A lack of accessible parking (or improperly configured accessible parking, such as a lack of adjacent access aisles, extreme slopes in parking spaces and access aisles, lack of raised signage to designate accessible parking)
  • A lack of a firm, slip resistant accessible route. (loose gravel, or a grassy field, for example, is not firm and slip resistant and cannot serve as an accessible route)
  • A lack of grab bars at toilets
  • A lack of wheelchair maneuvering clearance at doors
  • A lack of knee and toe clearance at tables, sinks, water fountains, etc.
  • Operating controls that are too high for a wheelchair user
  • A lack of unobstructed sight lines from designated accessible seating positions in a performance center, stadium, arena, or theater
  • A lack of wheelchair accessible hotel rooms
  • A lack of wheelchair accessible hospital patient rooms
  • A website that allows able bodied people to buy accessible concert tickets or accessible hotel accommodations online but directs people with disabilities to call and does not allow accessible accommodations to be purchased online

Contact the Law Office of Edward I. Zwilling now to learn more about architectural barriers and how I can help protect you. Find my office in Birmingham, AL.

  • Law Office of Edward I. Zwilling

    4000 Eagle Point Corporate Dr
    Birmingham, AL 35242


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    (205) 822-2701

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