Fair Labor Standards Act Attorney in Birmingham, AL
Contact Edward I. Zwilling, a fair labor standards act attorney in Birmingham, AL
A hard day's work deserves a fair day's pay. You have a right to be properly paid by your employer. Employers utilize a variety of tactics to avoid paying their employees fairly. For example, they may misclassify you as salaried or as an exempt employee to avoid paying overtime wages. They may misclassify you as an independent contractor rather than as an employee. If you have been wrongly denied your wages by being denied overtime pay, by being paid less than minimum wage, by being required to work off the clock or by having improper deductions taken from your paycheck, I can help you.
I can answer your questions and review your situation so that I can properly advise you of your options in a way that you can make the right decision given your circumstances. I understand the importance of communication and pride myself on being accessible to my clients and remaining that way throughout the course of my representation. I will respond to your call or email promptly and would be honored to assist you.
I have seen the following common situations in which people like you have been denied their fair wages by an employer:Denied Overtime Pay
This can happen in a variety of ways.- You may be required to work off the clock (either before you clock in or after you clock out)
- You may be misclassified as a salaried employee
- You may be misclassified as an exempt employee
- You may be misclassified as an independent contractor
- You may be paid on the basis of production (piece rate) or commission and have your effectively hourly rate on the basis of those earnings improperly calculated, often due to a lack of record keeping on the part of the employer.
Paid Less Than Minimum Wage
This can also happen in a variety of ways.- You may be required to work off the clock (either before you clock in or after you clock out)
- You may be misclassified as a salaried employee
- You may be misclassified as an exempt employee
- You may be misclassified as an independent contractor
- You may be paid on the basis of production (piece rate) or commission and have your effectively hourly rate on the basis of those earnings improperly calculated, often due to a lack of record keeping on the part of the employer
- Your tips may not have been properly paid
- Your paycheck may have been deducted improperly
If you believe your employer has not properly paid your wages, please call or email the Law Office of Edward I. Zwilling so that I can review your situation and determine your options.
Americans With Disabilities Act
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