Wills & Estates Attorney in Birmingham, AL
Do you need estate planning in Birmingham, AL?
I have been assisting families with estate planning for approximately 30 years. Having a Last Will and Testament can save your family expense by exempting your executor from having to post bond or having to prepare an inventory, in addition to ensuring that your property goes where you intend, and that your loved ones are protected.
A Durable Power of Attorney can likewise save your family expense should you lose the ability to handle your own affairs, and avoid the need for a guardianship or conservatorship, as well as court oversight of your affairs in the event you become incapacitated.
An Advanced Directive for Healthcare can allow you to make difficult decisions for your family in advance that will protect them in the event you suffer a terminal injury or illness. You can make your wishes known to your medical providers concerning life support, artificial nutrition and hydration, whether you wish to designate a medical proxy to assist with decision making, and who you would like to be notified of your decisions.
A Trust, whether a Testamentary Trust to protect assets for your children as they mature, or a Living Trust, to do so in a manner that avoids the need for probate altogether, can be a useful way to ensure that your assets are protected for your loved ones as they mature.
A Special Needs Trust can protect and provide for your loved ones who may have disabilities and who may, with proper planning, be able to remain eligible for certain government benefits such as Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid.
If your loved one has died and you require assistance with probate of a Last Will and Testament or administration of an estate of someone who died intestate (without a Last Will and Testament), I can assist you with opening an estate, obtaining the appropriate Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration, publication of required notices, and the final settlement and closing of the estate.
If you have questions concerning estate planning, wills and probate, please contact the Law Office of Edward I. Zwilling so that I may advise you of your options.
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